Arla Johnson's Baskets

Grape Basket    

Luscious grapes of red and purple overflow from this basket.
Gift Basket    

A special sampling of fruit, cheese and wine tucked into a woven basket. A corkscrew is provided for the wine. Of particular interest is the paper cups holding the chocolates. Can you see the fluting?
Vegetable Basket    

A six sided basket displaying squash, tomatoes, carrots and green peppers. The green beans are "artfully" scattered on top. A wonderful addition to a country kitchen.
Fruit Basket    

A varied selection of fruits piled high in this six sided basket. The fruit is topped with red and purple grapes. Great in a kitchen or a table centerpiece.
Round Squash Basket    

Round basket of squash varieties ready for the roadside stand or back porch. Four different types of squash are included.
Oval Squash Basket    

This oval basket contains three varieties of squash. Also included are potato, carrots and green beans.

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